Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Years

What I don't get is why people are always bashing New Years Resolutions?

There are some people good at setting goals and following through!
Not all people can be committed to their own greatness...
So they fail at their resolution, and because they fail at being honest, trustworthy, and following through with promises made to themselves. Those people make it seem as if Resolving a situation, bringing to an end a problem you're struggling with, finding an answer to your why in its entirety isn't worth the time and because they've lost hope they tend to bring others sense of joy and hope down...
***Slave owners to slave mentality "if I can't do it well, you can't and shouldn't do it at all" ***

The Resolution isn't about making unrealistic promises, it's about following through on realistic and attainable promises to yourself!

HOW MUCH DO YOU LOVE YOU? Can you be committed to you? Can you be honest with yourself? Are you great?

I am going to continue to create my New Years Resolutions as I follow through and attain my Greatness!!!

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